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Financial Documents

Required Postings

Arizona Auditor General Spending Report 

Arizona Revised Statutes §41-1279.03 requires the Auditor General to monitor school districts to determine the percentage of every dollar spent in the classroom by a school district and conduct performance audits of Arizona’s school districts. This analysis has 2 main objectives:

  • It analyzes State operational spending trends in instruction and 6 other operational categories—student support, instruction support, administration, plant operations, food service, and transportation—since monitoring began in FY 2001.1 It also identifies spending differences between Arizona school districts and analyzes changes in the State average teacher salary between FYs 2017 and 2024.
  • It presents State and individual school district results that show performance on various measures, including instructional spending percentage, operational and nonoperational spending compared to peer and national averages, average teacher salary and average teacher base salaries, and the percentage of students who passed State assessments.

FY2023 - Arizona Auditor General School District Spending Analysis - Pine Strawberry School District
FY2022 - Arizona Auditor General School District Spending Analysis - Pine Strawberry School District

Teacher Salary Information
Average Teacher Salaries (A.R.S. §15-903.E, amended by Laws 2018, Ch. 285, §10)

Comments on average salary calculation:  The average salary of all certified teachers employed at Pine Strawberry School District in FY 2025 on based calculations from May 2024. The School District is discussing further potential increases pending the finalization of the FY 2025 Budget.  The below salaries are based on signed contract amounts and do not reflect additional funds to such as Insurance, Stipends, Incentives, Continuing Education, and Endorsements.  

Factors Considered: 
The average classroom size (PreK-8) for the FY2024-2025 was 13 students per grade (one class per grade).
The School District covers 100% of Medical and Dental Health Insurance cost.

Teacher Salary

The average salary for all teachers in FY25                                                           $60,852
The average salary for all teachers in FY24                                                           $59,972
The average salary for all teachers in FY23                                                           $57,273

$880.00 = Dollar increase in average salary - FY2324 to FY2425
1% = Percentage increase in average salary - FY2324 to FY2425

Substitute Teacher pay is $150.00/Long Term Substitute (31 or more days) Teacher pay is Step1/BA = 39,174/206 Days = $190.17

If you need additional information, please contact Aimee Manjarres at 928-476-3283.

 Title IX
The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) enforces, among other statutes, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. Title IX protects people from discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities that receive Federal financial assistance. Title IX states that:

No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.

Title IX Resource Guide
Non-Discrimination/Equal Opportunity Form
Submit a Title IX Complaint

Pine Strawberry School District #12 Title IX Contact is Aimee Manjarres at 928-476-3283 (Updated 9/23/2024)


COVID19 Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan
All LEAs receiving ESSER III funds must develop and make publicly available on their website, a plan for the Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services.

  • LEAs must seek public input and take such input into account in the development and revision of local plans
  • If a plan was already in place, then the plan would need to be revised to address the new requirements to be in place for the first day of their next school year (SY21-22)
  • The plan must be updated at least every 6 months, or more often depending on updates in CDC guidance – through September 30, 2023

Fall 2021
Spring 2022
Fall 2022
Spring 2023
Fall 2023

Pine Strawberry School District #12 COVID Return Contact is Aimee Manjarres at 928-476-3283 (Updated 1/01/2023)


Annual Budget for the School District
Arizona Department of Education is required to post budget schedules, statements, and explanatory information for all Arizona School Districts operating budget in the State of Arizona.

Link to Current Public Hearing Notification

Public Hearing Notice FY2025

FY2025 Annual Adopted Budget
FY2024 Annual Budget
FY2023 Annual Budget

Annual Financial Reporting for the School District
The Annual Financial Report (AFR) is a report of expenditures made and revenues received for the school year beginning July 1st and ending June 30th of the following year. The report is put together by our Business Department and approved by the Governing Board. You are welcome to view it on the Arizona Department of Education website's “School Finance” page. Select Pine Strawberry School District from the drop-down menu.

Link to Current Public Hearing Notification

FY2024 Annual Financial Report
FY2023 Annual Financial Report 
FY2022 Annual Financial Report
FY2021 Annual Financial Report


Annual Audit for the Pine Strawberry School District 
The governing board of a school district that is required to comply with the single audit act amendments of 1996 (P.L. 104-156; 110 Stat. 1396; 31 United States Code sections 7501 through 7507) shall contract for at least annual financial and compliance audits of financial transactions and accounts subject to the single audit act amendments of 1996 and kept by or for the school district. The governing board of a school district that is not required to comply with the single audit act and that has adopted an expenditure budget of $2,000,000 or more for the maintenance and operation fund pursuant to section 15-905 shall contract for an annual financial statement audit.  The governing board of a school district that is not required to comply with the single audit act and that has adopted an expenditure budget of less than $2,000,000 but more than $700,000 for the maintenance and operation fund pursuant to section 15-905 shall contract for a biennial financial statement audit.  An independent certified public accountant shall conduct the audit in accordance with generally accepted government standards. To the extent permitted by federal law, a school district that is required to participate in an annual audit pursuant to this subsection may convert to a biennial audit schedule if the previous annual audit did not contain any significant negative findings. If a biennial audit of a school district conducted pursuant to this subsection contains any significant negative findings, the school district shall convert back to an annual audit schedule. If a school district is required to convert back to an annual audit schedule pursuant to this subsection because of significant negative findings, the school district may subsequently convert to a biennial audit schedule if the previous two annual audits did not contain any significant negative findings. For the purposes of this subsection, "significant negative finding" means a finding that results in the issuance of a letter of noncompliance from the auditor general.

FY2023 - Audit
FY2022 - Audit 

For a copy of the Annual School District Audit please contact Aimee Manjarres at (928) 476-3283

Pine Strawberry School District Performance Audit for FY2021 

FY2020 Performance Audit

AZ School Report Cards

Arizona School Report Cards

District Property Disposal

Please contact the school district